
together— for women everywhere

we support organizations that work with the goal of empowering women & girls by enabling opportunities for agency and employment, by uplifting communities, and by creating accessible resources for their mental health.

line line
our partners


founded in 2018, the kate spade new york foundation donates to causes that support women's and girls' economic empowerment, access to opportunity and pathways to stronger mental health in the nyc area and beyond.


the kate spade new york foundation has partnered with black girls smile to provide in-person and virtual mental health literacy workshops in new york through the she's mentally prepared program. she's mentally prepared aims to increase mental health literacy, decrease mental health stigmas and increase access to mental health resources. the program provides monthly 90-minute workshops facilitated by licensed mental health providers focusing on in-depth topics that specifically impact the mental health and wellbeing of black women and girls.

the kate spade new york foundation supports Girls Inc. of NYC to scale and develop Mind Body Matters, an interactive digitized curriculum to improve the mental wellbeing of teen girls, consequently improving their academic performance and opportunity. not only have we supported the development of this curriculum, but to further this work, we have also provided grant funding to scale up Mind Body Matters across new york city using a "train-the-trainer" model to establish an in-service teacher training to support effective teaching practices and implement the Mind Body Matters program citywide.

the kate spade new york foundation has partnered with Girls Who Code for over six years to create a pipeline of future female technologists in the U.S. by supporting their Summer Immersion Program. the program teaches girls — including anyone who identifies as female, regardless of assignment at birth — and non-binary or gender nonconforming students the computer science skills they need to impact their community while preparing for a tech career.

the kate spade new york foundation supports the growth of grace institute's talent services team, as they build out additional employment services to help the 200 Grace Institute graduates gain and retain employment. The Grace Institute provides job-skills training, counseling, placement services and continuous learning opportunities that lead to upwardly mobile employment, for underserved and underrepresented women in NYC.

the kate spade new york foundation continues to support the International Rescue Committee's first formal gender-based career development program in new york. this year, the foundation has provided grant funding to evolve IRC of NY's POWER program with the aim to help vulnerable refugee and immigrant women achieve upward economic mobility, realize their self-worth, and improve their mental health.

the kate spade new york foundation has supported The Lower East Side Girls Club to launch pilot years one & two of programming for their Center for Wellbeing and Happiness, which opened in 2020. with a mix of virtual and in-person programming catered to girls, their mothers, and the broader lower east side community, the center aims to strengthen and support healthy lifestyle behaviors in young adults and their families, thus reducing their health risks and improving their health outcomes.

the kate spade new york foundation supports The Moth's Young Women's Voices Project. The Young Women's Voices Project helps women in new york city deploy their greatest asset—their authentic voice and experiences. we also partnered with The Moth to provide women and girls with a slew of programs and workshops to shape and craft their personal stories, including high school story SLAM residencies for girls, community workshops for women and more, building their voice, confidence and power within themselves.

the kate spade new york foundation has provided grant funding to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, supporting 2,500 women and girls to recognize and respond to emerging signs of mental health and substance use challenges in crisis and non-crisis situations, through the mental health first aid training. The National Council is working with local community organizations around the city, with a focus on providing training that is tailored to women's and girls' mental health and wellbeing.

through grant funding, employee volunteerism, product donation and more, we support Rising Tide Capital's suite of programs that provide women entrepreneurs lacking access to services and resources. they receive business training, mentorship, mental health support and the financial access needed to launch and manage a successful small business. together we are working to increase the economic opportunity, agency and support the mental health of low-income women and their families.

we work with Per Scholas to help low-income women launch and succeed in tech careers. the kate spade new york foundation supports Per Scholas' Women in Tech track, which trains, certifies and advances 180+ women a year into technical job placements in new york. together we are working to address and solve the interrelated problems that have previously impeded women's progress in the technology sector.

The kate spade new york foundation supports project basta's expansion of programming for female first-generation college graduates. through the grant, Basta will expand their career development support for first-generation women of color through their 10-week fellowship program, as well as to provide a new set of offerings to their female-identifying alumnae, empowering them to grow and develop in their careers.

with the support of the kate spade new york foundation, Rising Tide
													Capital has been able to
													concentrate on the mental resilience and wellbeing of our entrepreneurs
													through restorative
													practices and offerings, during what has been some of the most
													challenging years for them.

north america

across north america, we partner with organizations working to empower the mental health of women and girls.

north america

The Born This Way Foundation supports the mental health of young people and works with them to create a kinder and braver world. The Born This Way Foundation leverages innovative programming and partnerships to model, convene and support healthy conversations about mental wellness in order to connect youth with evidence-based resources and services that support their mental health, online and offline, and to encourage and build communities that understand and prioritize mental and emotional wellness. we also partnered with Born This Way Foundation as part of their #bekind21 campaign, which calls on people all around the world to practice an act of kindness each day from september 1–21 each year.

seleni institute

kate spade new york has partnered with the Seleni Institute to address maternal mental health for BIPOC communities by providing specialized training for mental health professionals. in addition, through grant funding, Seleni will also improve mental health care for pregnant and parenting youth through quarterly workshops.

kate spade new york has partnered with the Seleni Institute to address maternal mental health for BIPOC communities by providing specialized training for mental health professionals. in addition, through grant funding, Seleni will also improve mental health care for pregnant and parenting youth through quarterly workshops.

kate spade new york is proud to continue to partner with Crisis Text Line through the tides foundation to support female mental health in the united states. grant funds will help support Crisis Text Line's texting service and platform with texters who self-identify as female, across the United States. need mental health support? text KSHELPS to 741741 to connect with Crisis Text Line in the u.s.

find your anchor

the goal of the Find Your Anchor movement is suicide prevention, awareness and education. The physical form of Find Your Anchor is a small blue box packed with various materials designed to inspire, soothe and offer support. We are partnering with Find Your Anchor to bring their anchor boxes to women and girls in the U.S.

the goal of the Find Your Anchor movement is suicide prevention, awareness and education. The physical form of Find Your Anchor is a small blue box packed with various materials designed to inspire, soothe and offer support. We are partnering with Find Your Anchor to bring their anchor boxes to women and girls in the U.S.

we've partnered with The Trevor Project to help end suicide among LGBTQ+ youth. As part of our partnership with The Trevor Project, our donations help to fund their critical LGBTQ+ youth community outreach, programs and essential 24/7 crisis services. in addition to monetary support, we host internal employee engagement opportunities to learn more about LGBTQ+ youth advocacy and share resources on how to talk about LGBTQ+ youth mental health. The Trevor Project's 1,500+ volunteer crisis counselors provide direct support to over 150,000 LGBTQ+ youth in crisis every year. in addition to partnering with the Trevor Project nationally, we also support TrevorSpace, an affirming international online community for LGBTQ+ young people ages 13-24.

Kids Help Phone

kate spade new york is proud to continue to support kids help phone through the tides foundation, supporting female mental health in canada through Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone. grant funds will help support the kids help phone texting service and platform and the users who self-identify as female, across canada. need mental health support? text KSHELPS to 686868 to connect with Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone in canada.

kate spade new york is proud to continue to support kids help phone through the tides foundation, supporting female mental health in canada through Crisis Text Line powered by Kids Help Phone. grant funds will help support the kids help phone texting service and platform and the users who self-identify as female, across canada. need mental health support? text KSHELPS to 686868 to connect with crisis text line powered by kids help phone in canada.

with the support of partners like kate spade in 2020, born this way
												foundation was able to
												recruit over 112m unique acts of kindness through #bekind21, and donate
												10k units of product.
												— cynthia germanotta, co-founder + president,


since 2013, we have been working in the community of masoro, rwanda. learn more about our work, and our partners.


through our on purpose collection, we partner with abahizi rwanda, a social enterprise handbag manufacturer that is an employee-owned, b-corp certified supplier. we invest in and source from abahizi — in turn, abahizi empowers the 250+ women who work there through full-time employment, mental health and wellbeing supports, trainings and counseling, plus healthcare for each employee and her family.

since 2018, kate spade new york has been partnering with Africa Yoga Project (AYP), which works to educate, empower, elevate and expand employability with youth in africa using the transformational practice of yoga. In addition, AYP specifically focuses on yoga for trauma, and has conducted research in partnership with the University of Buffalo to study the positive effects of their training on the wellbeing of participants.

through our work in the masoro community, we have partnered with Inkomoko, the rwandan affiliate of African Entrepreneur Collective, offering business education, consulting and access to affordable capital to help entrepreneurs create jobs. the partnership specifically focuses on supporting cohorts of local entrepreneurs through 2024.

as a part of our continued approach to empower local rwandan leaders to create the best impact in their community, the on purpose fund provided seed capital for the founding of Isooko Community Development, a rwandan-based non-profit that supports the development of rwandan communities by empowering women and youth through comprehensive and inclusive programs focused on health, education and economy. ICD provides access to space through the masoro sport and learning Center, tools and resources to drive positive change and sustainable social and economic progress.

since 2015, we have partnered with General Architecture Collaborative (GAC) to design and implement our expanding activities in masoro, rwanda. we partnered with GAC because of their collaborative approach grounded in community engagement, training and education, and research and innovation.

we've partnered with Resonate to deliver leadership workshops for women and youth in both abahizi rwanda, as well as the masoro community, where our on purpose supplier is based. together, we are working to positively impact the self-confidence, agency and power rwandan women have over their lives.


as a global brand, our mission extends to our communities around the world, and we work with partners internationally that support the mental health of women and girls.


we've partnered with The Trevor Project to help end suicide among LGBTQ+ youth. As part of our partnership with The Trevor Project, our donations help to fund their critical LGBTQ+ youth community outreach, programs and essential 24/7 crisis services. in addition to monetary support, we host internal employee engagement opportunities to learn more about LGBTQ+ youth advocacy and share resources on how to talk about LGBTQ+ youth mental health. The Trevor Project's 1,500+ volunteer crisis counselors provide direct support to over 150,000 LGBTQ+ youth in crisis every year. in addition to partnering with the Trevor Project nationally, we also support TrevorSpace, an affirming international online community for LGBTQ+ young people ages 13-24.

the goal of the Find Your Anchor movement is suicide prevention, awareness and education. The physical form of Find Your Anchor is a small blue box packed with various materials designed to inspire, soothe and offer support. We are partnering with Find Your Anchor to bring their anchor boxes to women and girls in the U.S.

the goal of the Find Your Anchor movement is suicide prevention, awareness, and education.The physical form of Find Your Anchor is a small blue box packed with various materials designed to inspire, soothe and offer support. We are partnering with Find Your Anchor to bring their anchor boxes to women and girls in the US.

in 2018, we began our on purpose fund, a donor-advised fund with tides foundation to support local non-profit organizations globally. Tides has worked as a grant-maker in over 150 countries, making sure that funds are distributed appropriately and efficiently, positively impacting local communities. our goal is to leverage their expertise, in collaboration with non-profit partners, to create sustainable investments in global communities for years to come.

kate spade has raised awareness of Trevor's resources for LGBTQ+
												young people, and provided
												necessary funds to help Trevor expand our programming to serve more
												LGBTQ+ youth in crisis.